Jan. 17, 2025
Dear friends in Christ,
Happy Friday, my friends, and happy winter cold front eve, too. Actually I'm not too happy about the cold front, but it seems it is coming this weekend nonetheless. Bundle up on your way to Mass on Sunday. The love of God and the precious gift of His Body and Blood will warm your soul, of that I am sure!
It’s been a while since we’ve seen the green vestments and colors in the church, but Ordinary Time has returned now that Advent and Christmas have concluded. This weekend is the
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time (the 1st Sunday was superseded last week by the Baptism of the Lord) and we’ll be in this liturgical season until Lent begins in early March. Our Gospel reading this Sunday is the famous miracle story of the Wedding Feast at Cana, wherein Jesus intercedes with the first of his many “signs” that foreshadow his abundant, overflowing love for all people. May the fullness of that sign be seen in our own love for others as well.
Thanks to all who responded to our annual
Stewardship Sunday last week, and thanks especially to all who completed the cards or made your commitment online. If you still have the printed card, you can drop it in the offertory basket or hand it to one of the priests or deacons this week. If you haven’t yet done so, please make your commitment electronically by visiting
ctrcc.com/discover. Let us all resolve to follow our G-P-S in 2025 by Giving, Praying, and Serving as intentional disciples living out our baptismal identity in the world.
Our parish offices and school will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20, in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. And, as mentioned above, we'll be monitoring the weather conditions and forecast for any possible further closures later in the week. Right now it doesn't look too promising for Tuesday morning, but let's see how it develops over the weekend, and we'll send out an update via Flocknote and our social media as warranted.
Peace, Fr. Sean