January 2025
Discussing Sexuality With Your Children
St. Jerome Catholic Church
All parents are invited into an exploration of St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
Rediscover the meaning of life, love, and dignity with contemporary examples in the context of today’s society impacting your children. Featuring Kathleen Cory, from Ruah Woods Institute, and specialty parenting sessions coordinated by the Office of Family Life Ministry. Explore topics such as humanity in the order of Creation, parents as Jesus’ disciples, techniques for having meaningful conversations with your children, and more. The event will take place at St. Jerome Catholic Church in Houston. Registration fee $150 per couple or $100 per person. Includes food, materials, facilitation of sessions throughout the workshop, certificate of participation will be provided upon completion of the workshop. Register at link below.
9 Days for Life NovenaThursday, January 16 – Friday, January 24This annual novena sponsored by the US Bishops invites parishes, schools and Catholic organizations to reflect on and pray for the care of human life in all situations. Register to receive daily novena prayers/intentions at
National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn
Wednesday, January 22
The annual Day of Prayer, recalling the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, is a time to pray for an increased respect for the dignity of the unborn.
Texas Rally for LifeSaturday, January 25The annual Texas Rally for Life will take place from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 25 in downtown Austin, TX. Visit the Archdiocesan website at
www.archgh.org/prolife to find a list of available buses and other registration information. Individuals wishing to travel to Austin on their own can review event schedules and parking information at
Texas Rally for Life.
Human Trafficking Night of Awareness @ CtR
Date TBA soon